New Music Critique: Tim Reynolds & Michael Sokolowski


Contact: sokolowskimichael@mac.com

Web: timreynolds.com, breezewayrecords.com

Seeking: Distribution, Film/TV
Style: Electronic

This duo are working at a high level, coming up with instrumental pieces that are by turns simple and complex. One thing is clear, however, they’re superior musicians who achieve stellar moments with sound. “Efflorescence” is altogether ambient and atmospheric music that seems to celebrate the flowering, the birth, of something––before the mood shifts to something that could be menacing. The 11-minute “Freighter Hop” has excellent Kraftwerkian sounds that are panned from left to right, along with awesome drum beats. Showing their flexibility, “Homunculus” shifts the vibe to jazzy, funky and absolutely phat. Film/TV folks should call.