New Music Critique: The Future Machine

The Future Machine  

Contact: frederick7474@yahoo.com

Web: linktr.ee.thefuturemachine

Seeking: Label, Mgmt, Film/TV/Games
Style: Modern Rock/Metal

Alternately poetic, philosophical and blistering, The Future Machine delivers a thinking man’s style of rock/metal. “Fragments,” a song about losing one’s previous self, rides a heavy-metal guitar riff into a catchy chorus, and then suddenly upshifts to a screamo breakdown along with drums that ram it into overdrive with viking intensity. (We suggest a remix with the vocals a bit louder.) “Dreamcatcher” contains a prettier, softer side of the singer’s voice, while of course making room for a screamo spree. Though the song is powered by a hard-driving energy and prominent, pummeling drums, we are least impressed by “Serenity”; the song is not as heavy as the previous songs and is not as catchy, either.