Tango with Lions

New Music Critique: Tango With Lions


Based in Greece, multi-instrumentalist Katerina Papachristou and her band have carved out a spare, moody comfort zone that is intriguing––to an extent. The mysterious “Proof of Desire” is largely languid and whispery-voiced, then escalates at the end, enticing us to want more. We like the reverbed electric guitar and the trumpet that ends “A Long Walk.” The simple, stark piano progression and cello of “In A Bar” are catchy in a mournful sort of way, with the artist’s voice sounding more forceful but no less monotone than before on a song that echoes some of the work of PJ Harvey. In fact, we think that Papachristou has something to learn from that alt-rock goddess’s dynamic, emotive vocal style.

Contact: tangowithlions@gmail.com
Web: Under Construction
Seeking: Booking, Management
Style: Americana/Folk/Pop