Säm Wilder
Contact: info@spinmoverecords.com
Web: samwilder.co
Seeking: Film/TV, Booking
Style: Alternative Pop
Säm Wilder has a singing voice that’s no one-trick pony. He shows off his falsetto skills on “Overtime,” accompanied by a funky walking bass riff as he delivers a disgruntled message: “I don’t need another middleman...” The song is catchy as a cold, though maybe a bit too repetitive. Wilder then responds to a female singer on “Bring It Home” and even raps a reply to her once or twice. The addition of organ on this song’s arrangement is a nice touch. Our favorite song of the batch is the bouncy retro ballad “What’s Wrong With Me,” which delivers a great chorus (a dead ringer for Queen, really) with harmonies that are drop-dead gorgeous. Clearly, this artist is multifaceted.