Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Rock
LA-based (as in Luxembourg) Polymorph is fronted by Nathan Lorber (host of that nation’s The Price Is Right). His brooding, moody vocal tones, while not exactly dynamic, are a comfy fit in this groove-centric ensemble that brings a solid ‘70s lounge rock/psych rock sensibility to the material. “Polymorph” generates a nice groove on a decent hook and the organ sounds that appear mid-song are super-cool. “Uneven” showcases the band’s mellow side, complete with female backup singers and a jazzy horn solo. Finally, Polymorph’s expansive 11-minute opus “Into the Deep” transports the listener to a deep subaqueous realm where Lorber intones “My heart explodes...” Now it’s your move, Drew Carey....