Panic In Eden new music criqitue

New Music Critique: Panic In Eden


A tight modern-rock quintet that generates a big sound from the get-go, Panic In Eden's “Out For Blood” and “War On The Rocks” are familiar and durable rock tunes that benefit from Pierce Humke at the mic. The singer’s tone really peals through perfectly on each song, all of which are expertly produced so his voice is the primary instrument. The cold, coiled precision of those two songs suggests a prog-rock inclination in the band, and, sure enough, their 7-minute magnum opus “A Revelation at Its Finest” provides plenty of twists, turns and a battery of guitar tones to conjure moods and moments that keep the listener absorbed. Again, Humke’s confident vocals command/demand the listener’s attention.

Contact: panicinedenbooking@gmail.com
Web: panicineden.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Vintage Rock

Panic In Eden - "Out For Blood"

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