New Music Critique: Nine Mile Station


Nine Mile Station
Contact: ninemilemusicco@gmail.com

Web: ninemilestationmusic.com

Seeking: Label, Distro, Booking, Representation
Style: Americana, Rock

Fronted by the raspy, gravel-pocked voice of Will Hawkins, this Los Angeles foursome are a rock-solid unit playing originals that are tight and craftily structured to deliver nice choruses. All of it is captured by polished production by the late, great Al Schmitt.  Blues rocker “Caught In The Rain” features Hawkins’ raspy lead voice and some great turns by female backup singers . The somber “Santa Ana Winds” brings a sweet gust of fiddle fanfare along with solos and key changes. The fiddle’s vitality is again a key element of  the upbeat , Pearl Jam-sounding “California,” on which Hawkins again shows his chameleon-like ability to give his voice a different shade and character. Nine Mile Station are altogether solid and likeable.