Mt. Pool
Seeking: Booking, Film/TV
Style: Pop/Rock
Mt. Pool is unusual in today’s marketplace. Instead of edgy, aggressive vibes, their songs emit a pleasant, sweet and warm glow. Call it modern-day yacht-rock. It ain’t deep and profound. It’s just ... kinda nice. On “No Rush,” frontman Devin Matthews brings a Conor Oberst quality to the mic amid jazzy chords, strong drum & rhythm and a jammy, noodling guitar figure. “Catalina Sun” is brisk, breezy and mellow to the max, with vocals that are pretty well tracked and present Matthews’ voice in a lower, richer mode. With its lively bongos and shakers, “Perfect Place” is all about summer fun. We urge the band to upgrade its sound with a producer who can enhance the vanilla vibe that is the main flavor of these songs.