Mooney Star
Seeking: Booking, Film/TV, Label
Style: Alt-Soul/Pop, Avant Funk
SoCal solo artist Mooney Starr has a falsetto that could give the late, great Prince a run for his money—but we’ll get to that in a bit. First, the downtempo “Is There Anyone Out There?” seems to be the testament of a beaten man as Starr’s sad, sombre vocal describes the tragedies and disappointments of daily life on earth. The song eventually builds and builds , stirring emotions to a climax. “By The Time You Read This Tonight” has jazz chords galore and a falsetto that reaches for Prince-ly heights. The funky, hip-hop infused “Pogo & Dolores Reemes” has a single-ready quality, but we advise Mooney Starr to align himself with a co-writer who can upgrade the quality of his lyrics, which at this point are pretty standard throughout.