Michelle Valenzuela has had placements on TV and for other artists, and she invests plenty of sass and strength into her naturally husky voice, making a song like "Sweet Talk" with its "Go waste someone else's time" line, quite convincing. Same goes for the crafty, clever and similarly themed "Me and Maybelline," another formulaic country lament graced with short, spot-on licks and a rich fabric of sound that's suffused with electric organ. It is on the stripped-down "Bitter Pill," however, that Valenzuela connects with her listener by summoning authentic emotion about a busted love affair and years gone to waste. The song could be even more affecting if the artist were to use softer shades of her voice.
Contact: steveornest@gmail.com
Web: michellevalenzuelaofficial.com
Seeking: Label, Booking
Style: Country