New Music Critique: MC Holy Ghost


MC Holy Ghost  
Contact: rapova40@hotmail.com

Web: mcholyghost.com

Seeking: Booking, Label, Review, Management
Style: Hip-Hop, Rap

Massachusetts-based MC Holy Ghost has lived a storied life—hardships began as he was born in a jail to an incarcerated mother, then raised by a priest and civil rights leader in Tanzania—and he shares his insight and optimism on the album Black and Dreaded. Many tracks, including “Can’t Take Me Down” and “Political Bible,” open with skits, a classic motif to set a tone. The latter track features audio of George W. Bush swearing in a member of his cabinet. The event glaringly demonstrates how timely and cyclical politics can be. “3P’s feat. MastaSwitch” is a powerful autobiographical piece, structured as a letter to “Mr. President”: “I want a meeting. Police pulled me over cuz I got good weed and got caught cheating.”