Old-school country twang and plenty of it is delivered by singer Luba Dvorak and his backups, who provide a polished, proficient foundation for his engaging, off-handed vocals. With its melodic, fairly catchy chorus, “Single Scoop Single Lady” shows Dvorak to be a likable, straightforward storyteller. More classic twang, with plenty of pedal fills, can be heard on “Brake Lights on the LA Freeway,” the artist’s sad, lonesome lament to the girl he left behind. In “Brooklyn Twang” the amiable singer describes life as a country boy living in the ultimate city folks place. We urge Dvorak to work to expand his writing style and push himself out of his comfort zone where songs are cut from a well-worn country cloth.
Contact: info@lubadvorak.com
Web: lubadvorak.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Management
Style: Country-Rock