New Music Critique: The Kaizens


U.K. band The Kaizens showcase two sides to their sound. On “Fallout” and “You,” they’re solidy above-average indie rockers, closely following the playbook authored by others. The musicianship is tight and the lead singer, intoning lyrics that explore the ups and downs of human relationships, shows an ability to trill high or wallow in the depths. It’s all a bit familiar and safe until you hear “French Kiss” where the band goes all-out to dazzle the listener. We’re talking an all-out 4/4 rock beat, a gallery of robotic vocal effects and even a giant shouting crowd. The recording’s unpredictable combo of ‘80s and 2000s elements inspires further listens and leads us to wonder if they should veer more in this direction.

Contact: thekaizensband@hotmail.com

Web: thekaizensband.com

Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV

Style: Indie Rock