Juston Hargrove

New Music Critique: Juston Hargrove


Artist Juston Hargrove is not only an adept musician; he’s a consistently intriguing, relatable lyricist. On “Off The Cliff” he melds an upbeat tune with downbeat our-relation- ship-went-south lyrics. In “Cosmic Waterfalls” the singer seems to be calling from a liquid netherworld between life and death. A paean to nostalgia, “I Told You So” recalls the words of a sage elder (“Don’t rush the process of growing old”) and captures a spirit of lost innocence. While each tune is graced by superior musicianship from Hargrove and his savvy mates, we wish his vocals were a bit more up in the mix. That said, Hargrove could also stand to improve the resonance of his falsetto, which is good but not as confident as it could be.

Contact: jhargrovemusic@gmail.com
Web: justonhargrovemusic.com
Seeking: Label, Film/TV
Style: R&B, Singer-Songwriter

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