Hippy LaFlame

New Music Critique: Hippy LaFlame


Texas trap rapper Hippy LaFlame brings a murky, moody, lo-fi touch to a trio of recordings that each has a certain level of trippy trap-adelics. “They Know I’m Gone” enters with a stark, delicate, acoustic guitar intro and, minutes later, exits with an LSD- juiced flurry of Kanye-influenced tempo changes with ultra-heavy vocal fx where LaFlame changes up his flow in interesting, unexpected ways. While “Overdrive” is a more typical hip-hop song, the dark, murky “In Love, Banger” allows LaFlame’s flow to go full schizo, from woozy to frantic, from weed to speed, and the result is a deeply grotesque scenario. All in all, this artist is on his own strange trip and it’s not yet clear who else is up for such a haunted ride.

Contact: deadseckiiing@gmail.com

Web: soundcloud.com/user-218637856

Seeking: Label

Style: Trap/Psychedelic Hip-Hop