New Music Critique: Hidden Guide

Hidden Guide 

Web: hiddenguidemusic.com

Seeking: Mgmt, Distribution, Label
Style: Rock 

Anyone with an ear for AJR, Fitz & the Tantrums and 21 Pilots will warm to this outfit, who clearly have well-recorded, radio-ready hits to offer. “On The Surface” not only has a killer chorus, but the band launches the song with it, locking us in instantly, later delivering a descending chord section that’s so nice. Guitars and organ lead the way on “Sweet Nothings,” later accented by synth strings and a spacey bridge. A retro-’70s disco-pop energy and another big chorus propels “Don’t Need to Be Found.” In truth, it sounds like the songs are almost too tightly focused, severely distilled to the max. It seems to us that the songs could maybe breathe a bit more, make room for a brief solo, maybe some spoken words?