Eva Misle is blessed with a strong, husky voice whose tone is well-suited to pop music. And she can really lean into a song’s message, as she does on the anthemic “Sole Survivor.” Backed by a track that juxtaposes emphatic beats with ambient, calming synthesizers, she gets to the song’s chorus quickly and wrests every ounce of meaning from its lyrics. Midsong she gives way to a rapper who spits encouragement, imploring the listener to “rise above.” Perky, buoyant and catchy, “Bad for US” is most definitely a dance track, loaded with stabbing beats and a message of fearlessness. Misle’s music is tailor-made for teen listeners who like their messages delivered quick, straight and with a beat.
Contact: Alex Nahai, alex@alexnahai.com
Web: evamusicofficial.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Pop