New Music Critique: Eel


A batch of instrumentals by EEL shows a composer working with a very specific, limited palette of sounds, and he demonstrates a firm grip on his chosen niche—retro-synth computer-game music. All three of EEL's compositions ("Relax," "Sleep" and "Dream") are tight, brief and compact, about a minute and a half in length. All three end suddenly with a "wooooosh!," which grows tiresome. And all three compositions are cut from the same sonic cloth. We can imagine them being put to good use in an app game. "Relax" has the catchiest groove of the bunch, and we like the piano tones and synth horns in "Dream." We urge this composer to widen his style palette and offer more dimensions to his compositions.

Contact: eelcommunication@gmail.com
Web: bit.ly/3b9hVOj, Instagram & TikTok: @eelmusic
Seeking: Label, Distribution, Film/TV
Style: Electronic, Instrumental