New Music Critique: David Edlund


From Sweden, David Edlund is a composer whose sensibility revels in the mysterious and otherworldly—but with a beat. A piece like “Privacy,” for example, might be ideal for an extraterrestrial space movie. Its eerily tolling bell and overall cloudy-with-a-chance of-cataclysm vibe are effective mood setters. Memorable for its creepy vocal effects and synth handclaps, “The West” could be a good fit for a rapper in search of an eerie track or for a filmmaker’s action-thriller soundtrack. “Days Gone By” conjures a murky nether-region with haunting melodies and an overall underwater atmosphere that’s given a nice accent by some bright notes from a mandolin. Overall, this is solid, though familiar, material.


Contact: edlunddavidinfo@gmail.com
Web: soundcloud.com/edlunddavid
Seeking: Film/TV
Style: Instrumental R&B