Das Black Milk

New Music Critique: Das Black Milk


Das Black Milk have two things going for them––a strong attack-mode attitude and the vocal power to put it across. In other aspects, however, these guys will need help to bring their vision—heavily fueled by ‘70s and ‘80s alt-rock—into focus. We appreciate DBM’s love of humongous walls of sound, as on “Where You Go,” but the song is ultimately undone by a riffy hook that is just too basic. We hear interesting echoes of Gang of Four and Buzzcocks in “New British Wife,” but the song ultimately flatlines. “Wanna Be King” is propelled by reverbed ‘60s guitar jangle that proves to be more promising than fulfilling. There’s something cool here, but it will need a producer to make sonic sense of it.

Contact: dasblackmilk@gmail.com
Web: dasblackmilk.bandcamp.com
Seeking: Label, Mgmt, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Rock, Electronic