Dali Mraz

New Music Critique: Dali Mraz


A superior skinsman, Czech artist Dali Mraz enlists a raft of equally adept players on his attractively rendered album, Level 25. In fact, the musicianship has a wow factor that cannot be understated. What’s more, Mraz’s themes provide the mortal listener with calmness and breathing room between each succeeding display of audio adrenaline. “November” deploys every weapon of this project: fluid fretwork, funky mega-thwack bass parts, dexterous drums & percussion. “No Ego” is a moody, Chopinesque piano interlude. “atoN” features bass parts that are absolutely insane. Above all, Mraz has accomplished what many proggers fail to do––compose themes that are more than mere frameworks for self-indulgence.

Contact: dalibormraz@gmail.com
Web: dalimraz.com

Seeking: Booking, Film/TV Placement
Style: Prog-Fusion