Cliff Beach
Seeking: Mgmt, Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Funk, Soul, R&B
It’s clear that Beach is a total pro as a bandleader. Here, he’s backed by an excellent group that can really bring the funk. Tapping the James Brown/Stevie Wonder motha-lode, Beach’s song “Confident” is all about positivity and how to live an optimistic, enthusiastic life. While Beach’s own voice gets the job done, we are most impressed by Alex Nester and her soulful, powerpacked pipes on “Moving On,” even though Beach sings the best rejection line ever: “If you wanna put a ring on it, I got just the finger for ya!” The song “Delilah” has a catchy hook and an overall bluesy, downcast vibe, though the vocals are not so well recorded. This is a solid, seasoned outfit that knows its territory and delivers a real punch when needed.