Cigarette Juliet
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Pop-Punk
With tight, alert musicianship, Melissa Izbicki & co. have built a solid foundation for their brisk, hard-driving rock tunes, each of which has a pop-punk DNA. While we are not impressed by the nasally lead vocals on “Do or Die,” the singing gets much better on “Anxiety (“one step closer, masochistic poser”). Paydirt is achieved on “Money Honey,” which is spearheaded by a strong guitar riff and melodic singing in the verses. Best of all is that Izbicki’s voice on the song is deeper and therefore more convincing. All in all, though, what we hear is a unit that has a ways to go before it achieves something unique. Right now, Cigarette Juliet is altogether derivative, and cribbing way too heavily from the pop-punk playbook.