Charles Ellis - new music critiques

New Music Critique: Charles Ellis


You can almost hear the panties hitting the floor as R&B crooner Charles Ellis soulfully states his case to longtime lovers and new prospects alike. In “Late Night Special,” Ellis poetically promises to take his adored lady to a whole ‘nother peak of sensuality. Lyrics can get a bit goofy here, but it’s a good fit for the genre. We love the lyrics on “Tell Me” as they paint a picture that could make for a vivid music video. Ellis’ best is “Love On You” on which he makes his pitch for an attractive woman’s attention. This upbeat tune is flat-out catchier than a cold and had us humming hours after hearing it. And its squealing-synth effect infuses the hooky piano chords with an undeniably cool and modern touch.

Contact: charlesellismusic@gmail.com
Web: youtube.com/charlesellisofficial
Seeking: Booking, Film/TV
Style: R&B

Charles Ellis - "Late Night Special"

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