Higher-consciousness rapper B-Awake and his featured vocalists deliver edgy- sounding messages that are optimistic and inspirational. Best of all, this is an artist who values catchy hooks and he features one in every song. On “Beautiful Day” B-Awake spits about accepting and persevering through life’s challenges. We really dig how he infuses the track with a vintage Philly-soul sample for a rocking, O’Jays type of groove. The Seattle artist’s clear, precise enunciation is displayed on “Crash” where he professes to “hit the gas until I crash.” A chirpy female singer duets with him on “Radio Waves” whose overall vibe overcomes the preachy cliches. There’s some promising stuff at work here.
Contact: bawake82@gmail.com
Web: bawakeofficial.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV, Dist.
Style: Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B
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