New Music Critique: A Little Bit More


Kentucky duo A Little Bit More are excellent singers. Reed Fields brings a husky authority, while Jill Hamlin sweetens the package, all of it rendered with top-notch backups and production. The smoldering, sensual “The Last Time” has commercial appeal and could draw Nashville’s interest. Generally, though, the duo’s lyrics are sometimes at odds with the music’s downcast tone. For example, “Get Up Crowd” opts not to generate the “Friday night at the roadhouse” exuberance that the lyrics portray. And despite its peaceful, easy feeling (and Jill’s sweet lead vocal) “Where I Am”’s lyrics are a bit unsettling. Still, it is apparent that this is a pair of seasoned live performers whose vocal power can command a stage.

Contact: alittlebitmore@gmail.com
Web: soundcloud.com/alittlebitmoremusic
Seeking: Label, Booking
Style: Americana/Country

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