Music Modernization Act

Momentum Builds for Music Modernization Act in Senate

The Music Modernization Act gained 14 new Senate co-sponsors bringing the total to 46 supporters and closing in on its goal of having the support of at least 51 senators—a majority—while maintaining a bipartisan balance of 23 Republicans and 23 Democrats. The robust support in the Senate is unprecedented for any music licensing bill in recent history; a clear sign that the MMA has the necessary support to be signed into law.

While Senate leadership has yet to indicate when the MMA will move to the floor for a full vote, progress continues to be made to address concerns raised by Senators and stakeholders. On August 2, a compromise was reached to resolve an issue concerning the Harry Fox Agency—the Recording Academy’s President/CEO Neil Portnow was quoted in Billboard to discuss how the compromise continues the unprecedented unity that has brought the music community together in support of the bill. The Academy also began a campaign aimed at SiriusXM and Music Choice for their continued opposition to the MMA. The Academy’s Daryl Friedman was quoted in Billboard discussing their opposition.

On the legislative front, conversations continue with Senators Wyden (D-Ore.) and Cruz (R-Texas) to assuage their publicly stated concerns with the MMA and ensure that they can support the package on the floor. The Academy is also working with its members and other stakeholders to identify other senators to support the legislation so that it can advance to a vote in the near future.

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