Dennis Coffey Hot Coffey in the D music album review

Music Album Review: Dennis Coffey - "Hot Coffey in the D: Burnin' at Morey Baker's Showplace Lounge" (8/10)

Legendary Motown guitarist Dennis Coffey is captured in an intimate club setting, with fellow Motor City stalwarts Lyman Woodard on organ and Melvin Davis on drums. Recorded in 1968, this snapshot in time offers elements of the psychedelic jazz/funk he would create three years later with his hit “Scorpio.” It’s a great package that exudes vintage cool, a smoky late night vibe and tight interplay on stage. An extensive behind-the-scenes booklet is also included, with detailed interviews with many involved in the project.

Score: 8 out of 10

Dennis Coffey
Hot Coffey in the D: Burnin’ at Morey Baker’s Showplace Lounge
Resonance Records
Producer: Coffey, Mike Theodore, Zev Feldman, Kevin Goins