Aaron Feterl
Mitch Schneider Organization (MSO)
MSO PR has promoted Aaron Feterl to the position of Publicist. Feterl began at MSO in 2008 as an intern in his last semester in college and was asked to join the team upon graduation. He’s served under Senior Vice Presidents Marcee Rondan and Todd Brodginski as well as beginning as an assistant to Angela Villanueva before being promoted to Associate Publicist in February 2011. Feterl has been involved in media campaigns for various artists in multiple genres including Aerosmith, Allman Brothers Band, Korn, Ted Nugent and Dream Theater, along with festivals like Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, Voodoo Music + Arts Experience, Budweiser Made In America Festival and Stagecoach, to name a few. Contact him directly at aaron@msopr.com.