MSO Promotes Feterl to Account Executive

AaronFeterl_Assignments_Sept2015Mitch Schneider Organization (MSO) 
has promoted Aaron Feterl to Account
 Executive. Feterl joined MSO in 2008, 
beginning as an assistant to Account 
Executive Angela Villanueva and then 
assisting Senior Vice Presidents Marcee
 Rondan and Todd Brodginski before being promoted to Associate Publicist in 
February 2011 and then Publicist in August 2013. He has been involved in media campaigns for various artists in multiple genres including rock/ hard rock/metal, along with festivals, cruises, venues, events and lifestyle accounts. While attending Cal Poly Pomona, Feterl interned at Island Def Jam and later at MSO. Upon completing his BA Business degree, he became a public relations assistant at MSO.