Mesecher Joined Pandora Music

AndyMesecher_Pandora_AssignmentsSMALLAndy Mesecher has joined Pandora 
Media as Audio Advertising Production 
Coordinator. Joining Pandora’s Audio
 Team, Mesecher will be based out of
the company’s Oakland, CA office, 
effective immediately. Before Pandora,
 Mesecher spent the last five years at
 Music Connection magazine. Beginning 
as the magazine’s Assistant Editor in September 2009, he was promoted to Associate Editor by early 2010. He will continue to work for Music Connection as a freelance writer. Mesecher received two B.A.s in Music Industry and Recording Arts (Audio Engineering) with a minor in Journalism from Chico State in 2009. For more information on Pandora, visit pandora.com.