Mavis Goes Electro: 'Hivemind II' by Moog

“Hivemind II” continues a growing series from Moog that showcases a single instrument producing all leads, pads, bass, and percussive sounds that come together to build a complete track.

In this exploration of sound design, composition, and video synthesis, electronic music producer and Moog Product Strategist Max Ravitz (a.k.a. Patricia) combines eight Mavis synthesizers in a dynamic audiovisual performance.

Each Mavis in this setup provides a different element in the song, ranging from wave-folded kick drums to 808-inspired cymbals and double-VCO basses to folding leads. All eight Mavis synthesizers in this performance are sequenced by the Winter Modular Eloquencer with a touch of delay provided by the OTO Machines BIM and the Chase Bliss x Meris CXM 1978 reverb, adding a bit of dimension to the mix.

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