Texas-based Luba Dvorak shows his love of trad country in his clever "Single Scoop, Single Lady" in which a good-natured spirit, generous sprinkles of pedal steel and low-on-the-neck guitar twang combine for a tasty sundae. "Brooklyn Twang," a tribute to his former hood, has a similar amiability. On both tunes, though, Dvorak's voice is unremarkable, and the songs could benefit from a stronger presence at the mic. Dvorak, however, is absolutely right for "American Sin," a timely tale about a father and four-year-old son who are rejected at the US border. Good lyrics, beautiful accordian and authentic lead vocal add up to a powerful tug on the heartstrings.
Contact: david@powderfingerpromo.com
Web: lubadvorak.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Management, Publishing
Style: Country, Americana