los angeles classic rock orchestra

Los Angeles Classic Rock Orchestra at Swing House Studios in Los Angeles, CA

Material: The Los Angeles Classic Rock Orchestra performed two classic rock albums by the legendary rock group The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and Abbey Road. Both albums were performed in their entirety, including hits like “Come Together,” “Oh Darling,’” “Want You,” “Here Comes The Sun,” “The End,” “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “With A Little Help From My Friends,” “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds,” and “A Day In The Life.” They not only played the hits, but the darker, more obscure (lyrically speaking) tunes were also played, such as “Octopus’ Garden,” “Because,” “Mean Mr. Mustard,” “Fixing A Hole,” and everyone’s all-time favorite “Good Morning Good Morning.”

Musicianship: From the cello to violins, vocals, piano, bass, guitars, pedal harp, drums, woodwinds and horns, the Los Angeles Classic Rock Orchestra was on point. Everyone was fired up and ready to play. Most, if not all, are accomplished multi-instrumentalists with college degrees (and not just in music) and many TV/film placements to their credits. While waiting their turns in the songs, the players sustained and encouraged each other with head bobs and foot taps. A much smaller orchestra than
the L.A. Philharmonic, the LACRO came through with a powerful and perfectly captured performance—superb, all-around team play. (You can check out all the names of the players at the Tawnee Lynn website to see who they are and what they play.)

Performance: Anthony Bonsera, who is the musical director and founder of the LACRO is no Gustavo Dudamel when it comes to an animated performance, but he did have a tight, very together team who had both Beatles albums down to a tee. Everyone was on cue and you could tell right away that they have real rehearsal time behind them, and that’s what made this production a success. There was also a slide show going on as the music played; images of The Beatles themselves as well as beaches and mountains and images of love and unity that added a very positive vibe to an already upbeat night.

Summary: From its musicians and directors to the slide show, the Los Angeles Classic Rock Orchestra puts on a grade A production and is well worth the price of a general admission ticket. LACRO has top-notch musicians coming from all walks of life, from all over the country to sit down and do one thing: play music and play it well. Not only did we get treated to a night of pristine classic rock, but we were pleasantly surprised by a question & answer session with three-time Grammy winner, Mr. John Kosh, who just so happens to be the conceptual mastermind behind the Abbey Road and Let It Be album covers. This was a great night.

Contact: MoyerPR@EarthLink.net, 818-784-7027
Web: Tawneelynn.com/LACRO
Music Director: Anthony Bonsera