Livestream Review: Skye Delamey

Livestream  Los Angeles, CA

Contact: contact@skyedelamey.com

Web: skyedelamey.com

Material: Skye Delamey, hailing from Los Angeles, equipped with only a Yamaha keyboard and microphone, bares her soul to the world on this day in sunny Southern California. She belts out tunes to her heart’s content and knocks down anyone in her way.
   Delamey’s songs are unconventional, to say the least. The songs are more like little stories that unravel in about a minute and a half as she shares her feelings with the audience. Songs like “Empty,” “Past” and “Detention” all seem to melt together as Delamey pours out her wounded heart for all passersby to hear.

Musicianship: The vocals are a little weak, but the songs put out a strong message as Delamey communicates her emotional state. Delamey’s rant on an overactive chatterer/girlfriend, “Girlfriend Muzzle,” has an almost comedic undertone. The story is captivating and interesting as she tells this girl to shut up. The tune “Past” shows off Delamey’s piano skills as she noodles and tickles the ivories, leaving the listener wanting more.

Performance: Delamey is a great, natural performer. She exudes confidence on camera while wearing cute little outfits for different performances and interacting with the audience superbly. She likes to tell stories, not just conversationally but also through her songs and music and it shows. She is very good at conveying her feelings through her poetry. Her piano and microphone become best friends on this performance.

Summary: Three out of five stars for Skye Delamey, as there is much room for improvement. She is an eccentric singer-songwriter with an extremely likable persona that would fare nicely at any coffee house or restaurant. Not all the songs are gloomy, though. The opening track, “In The Wind,” is extremely likeable and upbeat. A song of hope, optimism and courage, all the while immersed in a lovely, melodic cocoon. Her songs are poetry that come to life when the melody chimes in and her true nature presents itself in all its glory. What’s next, Skye Delamey? What’s next?