Livestream Los Angeles, CA
Material: It became difficult to pluck through Kapri’s songs about halfway through her set. They were all in the same key, using the same strumming patterns, with very little variety in the vocal melodies. Each song carried itself with the same humdrum energy, with little of note to be said. The lyrics of each of these original songs were interesting, pop leaning, and potentially marketable; however, the vocal choices often undermined the words. It seemed like Kapri was attempting to sing outside of her comfort level. While it’s admirable to try to expand your artistry, pushing too hard can give off the appearance of lack of skill. Kapri’s catalog could stand a bit of fine-tooth combing, solely to see if the melodies and chords can stand to be improved within the talent range she’s working in.
Musicianship: Kapri’s ambition struggles under the weight of her skill level. Her guitar playing is often messy and amateur, and her vocal can be pitchy at times. Certain chord and vocal choices are out of tune or plucked strangely and give the impression that Kapri doesn’t know what she is doing. As a performer with solely an acoustic guitar, sitting and strumming the same patterns for the entirety of a set makes audiences check out. This performer’s confidence seems to shine more when she plays her own material, but even so the acoustic guitar is not the best avenue for the songs.
Performance: Despite the struggles mentioned above, Kapri played this set with great confidence. Like a true professional, she breezed through mistakes and kept the show going on. Some research into Kapri’s recorded music shows that Butch Walker and Bruce Watson of Foreigner had a hand in making her most popular song, which is notable in itself. However, this quickly exposes the trouble with Kapri. The recorded material sounds good, clear, clean and catchy. But as soon as the live element comes into play, it falls apart. Mastering both elements is crucial to a solid performer and successful career.
Summary: Unfortunately, there was a lot to swim through to find the gold nuggets in Kapri’s set. There is gold there, certainly, but there was so much distraction in the messy guitar stylings and out-of-tune vocals that it was difficult to notice. Kapri needs to take a step back as she’s putting out new music and figure out how to make her performance match up to the music she’s creating and sending out to the world. While the tracks can be shiny and perfect, people will quickly see through that in a live setting.