Livestream Nashville
Material: She played detective “Falacci” opposite Chris Noth in Law And Order: Criminal Intent, among countless other highly visible roles in film and TV, while simultaneously cultivating a music career. If the Lilith Fair took place today, indie singer-songwriter Alicia Witt would be a perfect fit. Her songs are conceptually strong and, though personal, they reference universal feelings.
In “Satellite,” a ballad lamenting relationship disappointment, we see someone who is on the periphery of their partner’s life: I’ve tried to break this orbit/I’m tired of waiting for it/the bright side to come back around/you don’t see me now/I won’t shine till I come down/I’m just another satellite in your sky.
“Younger,” an appeal to stay connected to our true selves, shed burdens, and recapture more carefree times, is uplifting: Let’s run where it says there is no running/Let’s break our hearts open wide/tear down the static and the buzzing/let’s leave this cage and lose our chains…Let’s take the world and discover all we used to know/ I wanna find a way to go under/like when we were younger. The song builds with the tagline paying off exactly as it should, marrying the music and lyrics in a joyful highpoint.
Musicianship: By the age of seven, Alicia Witt was already a proficient classical pianist, with a command of the instrument and a skill that she utilizes to the fullest. Her warm, emotive sound and spot-on pitch is a voice that’s easy on the ears and still compelling.
Performance: Using Stageit’s interactive format enabled Witt to take requests from fans, always prepared to play each request, keeping the audience thoroughly engaged. Stageit shows are usually scheduled in 30-minute segments, but often the platform keeps the stream rolling. As the set went into overtime, it abruptly ended halfway through Witt’s rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” a song that was a perfect match for her voice. Perhaps in the future, she can plan around this inevitability, so songs are not shortchanged.
Summary: A highly versatile artist, Alicia Witt’s prodigious acting career fuels her musical one. Her songs reflect someone who has done some soul searching and gained wisdom from the journey. With a soon-to-be-released new album, luckily, fans have more Alicia Witt songs to look forward to.