Live skype analog mix down

Live skype analog mix down

Have your multitrack session mixed on large format analog console and watch live!

After a consultation on preparing your song for an analog mix down we will setup a time for you to join us via Skype and watch as we mix your song using a combination of analog and digital processing. If you have ever wondered how your music might benefit from a professional mix down with high-end equipment here is your chance!

About Clear Lake:

Clear Lake Recording Studios is an award-winning studio that has remained an integral part of the Los Angeles music industry for over 25 years. With an experienced staff of industry veterans and a vast collection of incredible sounding equipment Clear Lake represents the best of what a premier LA recording studio has to offer.

Retail Value:$750

Company URL: www.clearlakerecording.com

Product URL: www.clearlakerecordingstudios.com/services-rates/live-skype-mixing/