Live Review: Polo & Pan, The Shrine Expo Hall, Los Angeles, CA

Material: Polo & Pan are a duo DJ team hailing from Paris, France. They play electronic music encompassing techno, house, psychedelia, club and even disco. Many wild and crazy sounds come at you while Polo & Pan work their magic behind their workstations. They have you believing you were being taken on a worldly hunting safari as sounds and noises from all over the world take you to every continent on the planet. 

Musicianship: This DJ pair have mastered their craft. They come at you holding nothing back as they twiddle, tweek and fiddle their tools and mixers to the delight of the audience. The singing was very good. They took turns singing to different songs and they each turned in a superb presentation. LaFaourie was a welcomed addition to the set as she sang her heart out on a few tunes that took the audience (and the show) to a whole new level. Dancing seductively didn’t hurt anything, either.

Performance: Polo & Pan are seasoned veterans and know how to engage their audience with confidence and self-assurance; and are rewarded for it. Cheers, screams and loud applause filled the Shrine as everyone cheered and bounced up n down in unison. Rants and raves were showered upon Polo & Pan by the audience as they danced to all the grooves and were treated to fabulous imagery on a screen and a fantastic lighting show. 

Summary: Polo & Pan did it in style. The Shrine Auditorium shook as the bass from the sound system erupted in thunderous unison with the beats that oozed out of, what seemed like, 50 speakers. Their 2021 single "Ani Kuni" is their biggest chart-topper to date, and it didn’t disappoint as the video played on the screen. The duo has released two studio albums, Caravelle in 2017, and the most recent, Cyclorama in 2021; not to mention a host of successful EPs and singles that could fill a library; So if you’re looking for some club-worthy electronic music, look no further; Polo & Pan deliver.

Web: PoloAndPanMusic.com

Contact: Rosie@GirlieAction.com

Players: Paul Armand-Delille; Alexandre Grynszpan; Victoria LaFaourie