The Echoplex Los Angeles, CA
The Players: Aygel Gaysina, vocals, mixer; Llya Baramiya, mixer
Material: Aigel is a DJ duo that creates rave music, with mostly dark, trance-type beats that mesmerize and captivate the listener into submission. That said, submission was not needed on this warm, summer evening as the audience, willfully and willingly, accepted the thundering bass loops that filled the Echoplex. Gaysina sang and pranced around the stage with gleeful abandon and Baramiya did his magic finger-work on his mixer. Sometimes happy tunes, and sometimes not-so-happy dark tunes, the music had the audience jumping and dancing to every beat.
Musicianship: Gaysina has an impressive voice with an equally impressive vocal range, and can work the mixer like the expert that she is. Baramiya had a separate mixer going as he improvised many musical notes and tones. Setting off the looper along with so many other bells, sounds and whistles, he was the impetus that kept the train rolling. He worked so well within the tunes that he gave them that extra push that made everyone want to dance, bump and grind. Together they made the whole night gel in impressive style.
Performance: They hail from Russia, but music is the great unifier, a universal language. Therefore, the fact that the lyrics are in Russian is no great obstacle for the listener. Claiming that her English was not too good, Gaysina kept the whole audience entranced for the whole night. We might not be able to understand every single word that she sings but, ultimately, the audience liked what she was doing. The Echoplex crew were also on point with smoke and exceptional lighting.
Summary: Gaysina and Baramiya are consummate music lovers and it shows with the enthusiasm and effort they put out on stage. All over Europe in early June, their recent tour took them to Helsinki, Berlin, Warsaw, Belgrade, and Istanbul, just to mention a few. And just so we wouldn’t feel left out, they managed to grace the States with their presence, hitting New York and Chicago, and then ending the tour with mid-June dates in San Franciso and finally Los Angeles. See you next year.