The Lucky Strike Hollywood, CA
Players: Greg Gilman, vocals, guitar; Marty Vites, guitar; Alex U’Ren, bass; Lee, piano;
Alexa Brinkschulte, drums
Material: Greg in Good Company is a five-piece band playing tunes that sound like John Cougar Mellencamp slightly on edge. It’s Americana meets country meets rock & roll with moody hooks, heartfelt lyrics and creative songwriting that drive home each song’s message. All the tunes are melodic and pleasing to the ear as Greg and his company take you through their repertoire with delight and gusto.
Musicianship: The guys are fairly young, but they play like seasoned veterans. Gilman is a good frontman with good people skills as he draws the audience into Greg’s world. Exceptional drumming by Brinkschulte keeps everything nice and tight on the rhythm end. U’Ren helps out on bass and is exceptional (to say the least) on backing vocals as he and Gilman croon for the audience. Vites put down a sweet guitar solo on “Monster’s Lair” that left the audience wanting more and nothing but good vibes came from Lee on keyboard as he, also, contributed to the background vocals in a big way.
Performance: The music pretty much spoke for itself. Gilman took charge and directed everything as he and his crew played some beautiful tunes for the better part of an hour. The harmonies were superb and that’s what kept the songs tight and the players aligned to each tune. It was great to listen and watch.
Summary: If you like upbeat Americana music, you’ll love Greg in Good Company. With catchy tunes, and earnest, warm lyrics, each song is a fun adventure into the unknown (both musically and lyrically). Well written tunes combined with good melodies make for a good night of music. With their prodigious lineup of tunes, from “2am” to “Monster’s Lair” to “Just a Sunset” to the beautiful “I’ll Let You In,” if you want to listen to some good music, check out Greg in Good Company. “What can you expect at 2am but to fall in love!” – Pierce Brochetti