Live Review: Eric Nam

Livestream  Atlanta, GA

Contact: mackenzie@theavenuewest.com

Web: theavenuewest.com

Material: Pop artist Eric Nam performed a concert in Atlanta, GA that livestreamed to everyone across the globe. Throughout the performance, Nam addressed not only his in-person audience, but also the at-home viewers. Whether you were with him in person, or with him virtually, in spirit, Nam created an atmosphere where you felt engaged and accounted for. And at a time when music lovers all over the world are desperate for fun and entertainment, Nam delivered a performance which promised just that. From the moment he took the stage, he radiated an infectious warmth and enthusiasm that reached far beyond the venue in which he was performing. You could feel it from the computer screen, and you could see it in the reactions from the viewers. There’s no doubt that Eric Nam has a stage presence that makes watching him a thrilling experience, whether you’re an avid listener of There And Back Again or not.

Performance: Best known for his gyrating hip movements, or as he coins it, “body rollage,” Nam made dancing an effortless feat, hitting every movement and nuance with the same gusto and precision as his backup dancers. But the show took on a new tone when Nam introduced his guitarist, Ryan….

Musicianship: With just a stool and a mostly barren stage, Nam practiced singing “I Don’t Miss You” a cappella before noting, candidly, that the song is very high. However, once Ryan provided accompaniment, Nam got right on pitch, singing in whispery hues, at first, before belting the chorus with the power of a musical theatre ballad. His following song, “Good for You,” was also a highlight due to the Korean lyrics that celebrated his heritage. As the audience joined in for the English portion, a veil of peace washed over the venue, creating a special moment of connection for everyone involved. It was the most sincere and emotive song of the night, and the prettiest melody.

Summary: Eric Nam is a born performer, and for those who love his music, any opportunity to see him live is well worth it.