Kong Monster Rock, an Internet radio show hosted by the infamous Buddhaman, is seeking rock acts. A former DJ with KROQ, Buddhaman is jonesing for great rock bands. He will not only play music from up-and-coming artists, he’ll also invite them to perform live (acoustically) on the air. Broadcast to over 100 countries, the show reaches 10,000 listeners per month. The program is part of the Radio Domination Streaming Network (RDSN) located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Anyone interested can contact buddhaman999@gmail.com with information about your act and links to your music.
Additionally a new show that is also part of RDSN caters to metal fans. Called Monster Metal, it is broadcast on The Razor KXRZ and is hosted by the “Queen of Metal” herself, Ondrea Faillace. Andy Freaking Ford is the Music Director. Metal acts can go to http://rdsn.net/kxrz for submission details.