Jaxsta, the database of official music credits, has today announced their inclusion of Works data, which is representative of the compositional element of a song, optimally identified by an ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code).
Jaxsta, which houses more than 289 million official music credits from over 330 data partners, bridges the gap between recordings and publishing by initially adding 11 million works from The MLC, accurately matched to many of Jaxsta's 48 million recordings - a number which is growing all of the time. In addition, 75% of the works link to contact information for 460 publishers and rights administrators.
This level of detail and transparency offers various segments of the music industry – songwriters, PROs, CMOs, publishers, music supervisors, TV production houses and music lawyers – a single source of truth to seamlessly secure lost royalties, source song licenses and syncs as well as view recordings of works that they control.
This addition addresses the accumulation of unassigned revenue in the industry’s so-called ‘black boxes’. As of 2022, royalties worth an estimated $1.5 billion globally are not paid to the correct rights holders due to inaccurate and missing data. This is because music recordings and works are not linked with the appropriate metadata to credit the correct creators and contributors, resulting in inefficient processes and incorrect compensation for creators and rights holders.
For example, when users go to Adele's profile, they can now filter her credits by Releases, Songs and Works. If they then select the Work "Hello", they'll see it displays the publisher info, as well as mapping to 354 recordings of that composition, which are all deep-linked and identified by ISWC.