J Melodic Can't Do Without His G-DRIVE Mobile SSD R-Series Hard Drive

Renowned Philadelphia producer J Melodic told us about his love for his G-DRIVE.

J Melodic: As a music producer I’m going to say it’s my hard drive. My G-DRIVE mobile SSD R-Series hard drive is 100 percent the lifeline to my career. It holds literally everything! On the creation side, it has all my work—every beat, idea I've ever created. On the business side, it’s the hub for almost all my affairs. Contracts, split sheets, invoicing etc., It's my favorite piece gear I have. 

I remember when my hard drive crashed in 2015 and I thought I lost years of work. Devastated can’t even explain how I felt. Thank God for nerdy friends--lol. A friend managed to recover all my files. That moment made me realize how vital my hard drive is. It's a reminder of how fragile digital work can be and the importance of backing up. Some people use cloud based apps now but I haven’t gotten there and probably won’t honestly.

Now I have multiple hard drives. I named them too! “Small Fry” “Medium Fry” “Large Fry” and “Little-Big Fry”. “Small fry goes with me everywhere. Super-fast, reliable and durable considering how much I move around. I have a whole system of how I back them up and it’s become second nature. So yeah, my hard-drive is my other heart and my favorite and most important piece of equipment hands down!”

(Photo credit: c/o Bread Butter Mgmt)