Industry Profile: Grossé Jewelry Hits the 2024 GRAMMY® Gift Bag Once More 

It’s that time of year when lovers of music begin eagerly anticipating the GRAMMY Awards®. Ever since May 4, 1959, the Academy has been celebrating the accomplishments of music makers with shiny awards, memorable performances and fashions ranging from the elegant to the outrageous. Millions tune into the television broadcast to find out whether their favorite pop artist will win or perhaps see an unusual water cooler moment, such as a streaker zipping across the stage. 

For the nominees, there is another dimension to this evening that provides a strong incentive to show up—the GRAMMY® Gift Bag. These luxury packages contain all sorts of goodies that the recipients may enjoy, even if they lose. The 2023 package had a total cash value of $60,000 and included everything from robotic pool cleaners to Swarovski crystal flip-flops. If you’re unaware of the celebrity gifting practice and are thinking this is another case of the rich getting richer, understand that the ventures giving away their products do so because the advertising they get from having a star use their brands more than makes up for the cost of the items. 

Although last year’s stash boasted treats such as wine and a voucher for $10,000 in arm liposuction, the latest edition includes new jewelry from Grossé. This ornamental option began in 1907 in Pforzheim, Germany by Heinrich Henkel and his brother-in-law, Florentin Grossé, starting life as part of a watch repair store. In 1937, the company was awarded the gold medal at the Paris World’s Fair. Then came the relationship with French fashion designer Christian Dior, starting in 1955. It was the beginning of a 50-year partnership that helped spread the brand’s popularity all around the world. 

The company’s baubles became even more sought after once the day’s luminaries began wearing them. Film star Marlene Dietrich, for instance, adored their designs so much that, according to legend, she once bought everything in their New York warehouse. Greta Garbo was also a big fan. Incidentally, Grossé jewelry was part of the 2023 Academy Awards gift bag. 

But this isn’t the first time Grossé has been featured as part of the GRAMMY® Gift Bag. The designs were first introduced into the swag pile in 2011. A selection has been included every year starting in 2017, with 2024 being the eighth time in total. 

Yuki Takizawa is the PR Director for the jeweler and handles their two brands, EINS by Grossé and Grossé Glacé, their more casual line. Working in the jewelry business is something she always wanted to do. Being part of a family business is just icing on the cake. As far as what it is that keeps customers returning, she believes it’s Grossé’s prestigious history, top-notch quality and beautiful looks that make the difference. It’s also what keeps the GRAMMY® Gift Bag deciders coming back for more. 

 Notably, Grossé jewelry is technically costume jewelry, although it isn’t the sort that’s made of cheap plastic. This label simply means that they do not use pure gold or silver. Sale prices range from $200 to $10,000. 

Whatever its purity, it looks stunning under stage lights. “Celebrities wearing Grossé at the massive Crypto.com Arena look even brighter than those wearing fine jewelry,” Takizawa insists by email from Japan. “One of the main reasons they choose us is because they can concentrate on their performances with peace of mind.” That said, Grossé jewelry is equally suitable for those who do not spend their days in the spotlight. “It is a great honor to be loved by celebrities, but it is also important for us to have people wear Grossé jewelry in their daily lives.” 

The fact that these pieces have less monetary value in comparison with other jewelry makes it ideal for wearing during shows. Should a piece get lost because a performer is feeling the moment and getting physical, it will be less of a crisis than if a much more expensive earring or brooch were to go missing. Grossé jewelry is also especially durable. The company uses advanced technology to create six layers of coating, so it is practically guaranteed to last a good stretch. Some items from Grossé’s early days are still in the company’s possession, and these pieces continue to shine as if they were just made. Says Takizawa, “Our jewelry is art that will last for generations.” 

One might wonder if Grossé’s designs are out of step with modern aesthetics. After all, it is reasonable to imagine that a 117-year-old fashion company is missing the boat on what today’s customers crave. Shoppers need not fear. “Grossé has created a variety of jewelry in line with the times,” writes Takizawa. Although their selections lean extremely feminine, that’s changing. This year’s GRAMMY® inclusions will feature gender-neutral products made of platinum and silver. 

Readers who want to see what the company has on offer are encouraged to go to their website and browse their extensive array of bangles, necklaces, rings and more. “We have a wide selection of items, including a revival of archive collections from the 1930s, as well as simple and sophisticated jewelry that matches modern trends. 

“Grossé jewelry is created through extensive research by masters and has a beautiful shine that differs from other costume jewelry,” she continues. “Our jewelry is even stored in famous museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.” 

Grossé’s wearable treasures are ideal for performers at every level, from Beyoncé on down to the beginning artist making waves in a local coffee shop or competing in talent showcases. Its durability, incomparable shine and affordable price tag make these trinkets a solid choice for those with refined tastes and sensible budgets. If you’re looking for a fashion statement to grab the audience on your next tour, consider adding a piece or two from Grossé to your wardrobe. 

Yuki Takizawa

yuki.takizawa@grosse.jp, grosse.hk