iCitizen, HeadCount Announce Partnership To Enhance Civic Engagement/Involvement In Gov't

headcount_logoHeadCount, a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to promote participation in democracy through the power of musicians and their music, and iCitizen, a civic engagement platform that makes citizen involvement in democracy easier through the use of sophisticated mobile technology, have announced a partnership.

In connection with their common goal to increase civic engagement, iCitizen and HeadCount will join forces through a combined and co-branded presence at major music festivals, concerts, and other events in which HeadCount is involved in order to provide fan experiences designed to emphasize the importance of being engaged in the issues that face our country. These joint programs will increase the level of individual involvement in our government through efforts designed to register voters, facilitate non-biased issue education, and mobilize civically engaged individuals so that they may be empowered to influence policies of personal interest.

These activities will be conducted in connection with and in support of HeadCount's voter registration initiatives while providing the opportunity for individuals to learn more about the iCitizen civic engagement platform and download it to their mobile devices.

The fan experiences will range from photo contests to a co-branded event oasis complete with charging stations, comfortable seating, wireless Internet connectivity, amenities and prizes. iCitizen and HeadCount representatives will facilitate voter registration, pledge to vote campaigns and demonstrate the iCitizen platform capabilities.

HeadCount will also promote use of the iCitizen civic engagement platform through its communications and online presence. iCitizen intends to also work collaboratively with HeadCount to bring new technology to voter registration and HeadCount's popular Pledge to Vote campaign through the iCitizen platform as well as cross-promote HeadCount and its initiatives.

"This year marks HeadCount's 10th Anniversary, and we've reached millions of people through our efforts to register voters and promote democratic participation." said HeadCount Executive Director Andy Bernstein. "We see the opportunity to partner with iCitizen as way to extend our efforts even further through the use of technology that can truly make the voices of citizens heard, not only during elections, but also in between election cycles."

"iCitizen is a non-partisan civic engagement platform with a mission to empower citizens in a manner they've never experienced before. We are not about political parties but rather about an individual's 'political DNA' or, in other words, the very personalized issues each citizen cares about, which vary from person to person. Our solution empowers citizens around those issues and provides them with influence over legislative outcomes while rebuilding the system of accountability between elected officials and their constituents in our country. Given the commonality of our missions, we felt that HeadCount represented a unique partner for us to work with in accelerating and extending our common goals and are truly excited to be working with them," said Duncan Dashiff, Chairman of iCitizen.