Pop-rock band Hotel Fiction took over The End in Nashville on Friday night, and it seems that every guest enjoyed their stay!
Based out of Athens, GA, “Hotel Fiction" is the musical child of two best friends: Jade Long and Jessica Thompson. Or, as they jokingly call themselves on Instagram, Hotel Fiction’s “receptionists.” The two started playing shows around the country in May of 2021 and have toured with the likes of Flipturn, The Brook & the Bluff, Adam Melchor, and more.
Jade and Jess are both multi-instrumentalists, each utilizing the guitar, keys, and vocals on stage. Backed by Aidan Hill on bass, Gideon Jonston on drums, and Aaron Daugherty on guitar and synth, the stage became a playground for every musical desire! They were unafraid to rile each other up, have back-to-back rockin’ moments, and use every square inch of the stage.
While the set certainly featured their favorites such as “Astronaut Kids” from Soft Focus, the band’s first album released in 2021, the girls generously shared some brand new material and teased Hotel Fiction’s sophomore album coming this summer. A highlight of the show was the performance of “Monster,” which had the entire venue joining in on vocals.
While Jade and Jess can often be seen in matching button-ups (tastefully unbuttoned, of course), what’s most telling is their confidence in eccentricity, beautifully accented by their humble gratitude. Truly, this is a band that understands the heart of live music.
Learn more, or shall we say… book your stay, at Hotel Fiction today: https://hotelfiction.com