Guitar Jam Extra With Amanda Ruzza


Amanda Ruzza

Amanda Ruzza Group

Contact: Amanda, amanda@amandaruzza.com

NYC-based Amanda Ruzza is a bassist for all seasons. Originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil; she brings an organic and vibrant energy to whatever the musical situation calls for. She is primarily known for jazz, but is equally at home with rock, hip-hop and dance.

What have you done in the last year to become a better musician?

I’ve been trying to look at music from the perspective of not being a bass player. I’m trying to hear things and understand them from other musician’s perspectives.

What do you notice when you hear a recording of yourself from five or 10 years ago?

That I am able to craft more of a sound now in terms of the aesthetics of music. I can develop a unique tone from my hands.

Have you added any gear that has changed your sound or style?

I have a lot of analog pedals that bring a unique and original sound to a recording.

Do you have a mentor?

Arturo O’Farrill, Rachel Z, Professor Rory Stuart of The New School, bassist Jeff Andrews and arranger Hugh Goldstein.

What is your most underappreciated quality?

People don’t realize my versatility as a bass player. They’re also not aware of my arranging and production skills.

What’s your worst onstage mishap?

Many times jacks on a bass have broken for no reason. Strings break, amplifiers don’t work; I’m just glad I’m able to fix things myself.

Do you have any gear endorsements?

I have endorsements with Dunlop, MXR effects, Aguilar amplifiers, Mogami cables, Lexicon and GruvGear.

To read interviews with Jorma Kaukonen (Hot Tuna), Bobby Balderrama (Question Mark & The Mysterians), The Fabulous Miss Wendy, and Kern Brantley (Lady Gaga), go to 
