Guitar & Bass Jam 2013


Nalle Colt

Vintage Trouble

Contact: Brenna Sexton, [email protected]

Swedish guitar wizard Nalle Colt has been on a roll since joining the band Vintage Trouble, who’ve been wowing fans with a unique blend of soul, rock and R&B. Their album, The Bomb Shelter Sessions, has exploded, landed them a guest appearance on Late Night With David Letterman, and sent the group around the world in support of the Who.

What have you done in the past year to become a better musician?

Just playing so much. We’ve been constantly touring. The thing for me is to be in the moment as much as possible. I want to really live in the music and not think about anything else when I perform live. I really think I’ve learned to find my moment and just shut everything else off.

What do you notice when you hear a recording of yourself from five or 10 years ago?

I’m a little bit of a critical guy. I listen back to it and I say, “Oh, I wish I had done that better.” Sometimes when I listen back to things that were a long time ago, I’m surprised. It usually surprises me that it’s better than I thought it was. It’s always fun to go back. It’s like reading your old journals.

Have you added any gear that has changed your sound or style?

First of all, the guitar. I used to be a Fender Strat man for so many years. But when we started Vintage Trouble I borrowed a Gibson Les Paul and I had never really played Gibson guitars. That was the first thing I changed. I wanted to do something different. The Les Paul was what I brought in, playing through an old tweed amp. It’s a very specific sound.

What can you tell us about your guitar roadie?

When we started the tour with the Who, I really needed somebody who could work with guitars. Jeff Crawford was the guy, but he had to go back to his old job, working with Darius Rucker, so we just got a new guy. It’s a very important job, especially when you’re touring this much and dealing with different weather every day. Guitars are sensitive instruments and it’s hard to keep them up. Jeff was great, and I’m sad to see him leave.

Do you have a mentor?

My true mentor in life is my grandmother. She was a concert piano player. I grew up with her mindset of life in general. As far as guitar players, Jimmy Page has always been a big influence.

What is your most underappreciated quality?

I do a lot of artwork. I love working with graphics outside of music. I do all the graphics for the band. All the artwork that you see from Vintage Trouble, with logos, styles and websites, that’s me.

What’s your worst onstage mishap?

We had just started touring with Brian May from Queen, playing in this beautiful old theater in England. I had a moment where it featured me doing a guitar solo and suddenly the cord just died. I didn’t have a guitar tech, but the guy who helped Brian May ran out and saved me.

Tell us about your gear endorsements.

The main one is Lazy J amps from England. They’re a bit of a clone of a ‘58 Fender Tweed Deluxe. It’s a very simple amp with just volume and tone. I’m very proud of them and I use them all the time.

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